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更新时间:2024-09-19 22:59:13

oil painting

英 [ɔil ˈpeintiŋ]

美 [ɔɪl ˈpentɪŋ]


第三人称复数:oil paintings

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1. the art or method of painting with oil paints

2. a picture painted with oil paints

1. 油画:达到精神享受 D:有欣赏价值,消除审美眼疲劳 E:可依客户心理需求量身订做 4:油画定义: 油画(oil painting) 是以用快干性的植物油(亚麻仁油、罂粟油、核桃油等)调和颜料,在画布亚麻布,纸板或木板上进行制作的一个画种.

2. 油画genius天才:Van Gogh凡高 | oil painting油画genius天才 | atmosphere 气氛

3. oil painting的意思

3. 油画作品; 油画艺术; 画油画:narrative painting 情节性绘画 | oil painting 油画作品; 油画艺术; 画油画 | opaque painting 不透明画法

The oil painting is the jewel of my collection.(这幅油画是我藏画中最为宝贵的一幅。)
His eyes were fixed on the oil painting.(他的两眼注视着这幅油画。)
As he told me this, he was standing underneath a giant oil painting of himself.(他跟我说这个的时候,正站在他的巨幅自画油画像前。)
When did you think that using oil painting express Chinese painting?(您是从什么时候想到用油画来表现中国画的呢?)
Both the pop music and the oil painting ate arts, but with different aesthetic values.(流行音乐和油画都是艺术,但他们有不同的美学价值。)
The original Mona Lisa is an oil painting on a board of poplar and is housed at the Louvre Museum in Paris.(《蒙娜丽莎》的原作是一幅画在白杨树板上的油画,如今收藏在巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆。)
But whatever, I am an artist. I can paint oil painting.(可无论如何,我是个艺术家,我可以画画。)
This oil painting is very valuable.(这幅油画很有价值。)
Oil painting is an artistic form introduced from the West early this century.(油画是我国在本世纪初从西方引进的艺术品种。)
Engaged in graphic design teaching and oil painting creation.(从事装潢艺术设计教学与油画创作。。)
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